This is the correct fingering for the chromatic scale, as it will be easy for your fingers to locomote across the keys of the piano.
C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C
2 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 2
Note that: The black keys are played with the number 3 finger
Two consecutive white keys are played with fingers 1 and 2
A white key is played with the finger 1
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Piano
Lesson 2: Brief Introduction to music
Lesson 3: Keys of the Piano
Lesson 4: Singing and playing on different keys
Lesson 5: Intervals
Lesson 6: Chromatic Scale
Lesson 7: Circle of Fifths and Fourths
Lesson 8: Key Signature
Lesson 10: Fingering for the chromatic scale
Lesson 11: Introduction to Chords
Lesson 13: Chord inversions