If you cannot afford to get the complete package of our piano tutorial for beginners you can make do with this compilation of lessons for beginners who want to learn to play the piano. The lessons have been created in a very simple to understand manner.
Take your time to go through the lessons and we hope you find it appealing and helpful.
You can also browse through the website for free tonic solfa and chord progression.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Piano
Lesson 2: Brief Introduction to music
Lesson 3: Keys of the Piano
Lesson 4: Singing and playing on different keys
Lesson 5: Intervals
Lesson 6: Chromatic Scale
Lesson 7: Circle of Fifths and Fourths
Lesson 8: Key Signature
Lesson 9: Proper fingering techniques for the major scale
Lesson 10: Fingering for the chromatic scale
Lesson 11: Introduction to Chords
Lesson 12: Fingering for playing chords and chord progression
Lesson 13: Chord inversions