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Bass line tutorial of “I love you forever” by Tye Tribbett

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This is a short tutorial on the bass line that was played in “I love you forever” Tye tribbett. You know that ever bass line is coined out from the chord progression of a song. You can learn the chord progression of I “love you forever” here. Now that you know the progression, you can now see the way improvisation the bass guitarist used in the song. You can watch the video for more clarity.

However, I would still explain what He did here.

The progression of the song goes thus:

I Love you forever.
I love you forever.
l                   s
I love you forever, Lord
f                            d

So, we have the fah, lah, soh and doh chord

fah chord comprises of:    f l d note (major chord)
lah chord comprises of :   l d m note (minor chord)
soh chord comprises of:    s t r note   (major chord)
doh chord comprises of:    d m s note  (major chord)

Now during the time frame when the bass guitarist is meant to play fah, he added another note to supplement the fah. The other note they added was from amongst the notes that comprises the fah chord which is doh

So we have:

fah   doh'(higher octave)

for the time frame where lah is being played they used mi to supplement the lah note

So we have:

lah    mi'(higher octave)

When it comes to the time to play te soh chord, the reh note was used to supplement it

so we have

soh     reh'(higher octave)

and now when we resolve to doh, the soh note was used to supplement it.

so we have

doh    soh'(higher octave)

When we add everything up, we have:

fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)

lah    mi'(higher octave)
lah    mi'(higher octave)

soh     reh'(higher octave)
soh     reh'(higher octave)

fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)
fah   doh'(higher octave)

doh    soh'(higher octave)

Now that is what we call improvisation. I know this looks clumpsy for you to understand, eventhough we have tried to make it as simple as possible. Just watch the video for more understanding:

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