Michael Phils Music ebook

Why Victoria Orenze does not wear shoes when she is singing!!!

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Victoria Orenze is indeed a powerful gospel musician that brings down the glorious presence of God when she sings. After watching series of her videos online,  I realized that she doesn’t put on any shoes when she ministers.

Her back up singers and musicians are wearing shoes tho’.

Well I’ve come to the conclusion that she seems to be more comfortable barefooted so she can have that freedom to express herself and worship God without limitation or distraction.

What do you think her own reasons could be??

Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment section.

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  1. For me i like it that way, because it might be an intruction from God.
    And i also like it because she disscover her pattern and walk towards not that she copied it from someone else, that’s why it’s good to be yourself.


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