Michael Phils Music ebook

Tonic solfa of “For Your Glory” by Tasha Cobbs

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This is the solfa notation of “For your glory” by Tasha Cobbs. It is suitable for guitarist, saxophonist and other solo instrumentalist. Enjoy. Please make sure you share this post to your friends on social media, am sure they would find it helpful.

m f s               Lord if I
d l l s m r        Find favor in Your sight
m-f  l-s
l s t s               Hear my hearts cry
d d’ t l s m      I’m desperately waiting
d d’ t l t s        To be where You are.
d d’ t l t s m
d d’ t l t s        I’ll travel near or far

d t l s             For Your glory
d t l s m r      I will do anything
d t l s-l-s       Just to see You
d t l s s m r    To behold You as my King

d m m s r d d       I wanna be where You are
d m m s r m m     I gotta be where You are

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